How to Handle Your Young Child’s Anger

Are you concerned about your young child’s anger?
Is your child often angry? Are you struggling with knowing the reason for their anger…or how to help them? The video, How to Handle Your Young Child’s Anger may be helpful as you seek resources and information about this often perplexing and heart-wrenching problem.
As a parent of a young child, learning more about your child’s developmental stage may be key to unlocking simple, yet powerful ways to help them deal with their anger. How to Handle Your Young Child’s Anger focuses on children ages 1-8.
I have a related video available for viewing called Anger Management for Parents of Young Children, which looks at parental anger issues. I’ll link that blog post and video below in the Resources section.
- Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development: Toddlers (1-2 Years of Age) (CDC)
- Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development: Toddlers (2-3 Years of Age) (CDC)
- Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development: Preschoolers (3-5 Years of Age) (CDC)
- Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development: Middle Childhood (6-8 Years of Age) (CDC)
- Psychology Today – Therapist Finder (Psychology Today)
- Anger Management for Parents of Young Children (The Heart’s Way, Imagery and Insights)
About my YouTube videos
I’m fairly new to the YouTube platform, and I hope that my videos have been interesting and informative so far. If you liked How to Handle Your Young Child’s Anger video, please consider giving it a “thumbs up” and subscribe to my channel, called The Heart’s Way, Imagery and Insights.
As always, I appreciate your support, encouragement, and support!