Affirmations for Stress Management

Affirmations for Stress Management
(Includes Audio Recording)
The Heart’s Way, Imagery and Insights
As previously stated in a recent post, How to Write Your Own Affirmations, “affirmations are statements of positive truth. They affirm positive thoughts about us and the world around us. When we think and voice positive thoughts about ourselves, we decrease the likelihood of allowing negative thoughts to enter or take a stronghold in our minds.” Because of the positive nature of affirmations, they can be very effective tools in changing the way we think, feel, believe, and behave. Affirmations for Stress Management continues to explore the various uses of affirmations for our day-to-day lives.
Have you ever heard of the concept of self-defeating thoughts or behaviors? When we hear enough self-defeating beliefs spoken to us or about us, we will eventually “buy in” to those beliefs. Those negative thoughts and beliefs can take up residence in our minds and bodies so thoroughly that they ultimately define who and what we are. Or so we think.
The truth is that these negative thoughts and beliefs are actually no stronger than any other thoughts or beliefs. We just hear them more, feel them more, and finally believe them more.
If those thoughts and beliefs were positive truths instead of negative lies, we could feel others building us up, begin to think more positively, and in the end believe the truth in ourselves. It’s just a matter of what we listen to, over and over again, that helps to shape and define who and what we truly are. So, why not affirm the positive truths in our lives?

Louise L. Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life writes:
“Learn to think in positive affirmations. Affirmations can be any statement you make. Too often we think in negative affirmations. Negative affirmations only create more of what you say you don’t want. Saying, “I hate my job” will get you nowhere. Declaring, “I now accept a wonderful new job,” will open the channels in your consciousness to create that.
Continually make positive statements about how you want your life to be. However, there is one point that is very important in this: Always make your statement in the PRESENT TENSE, such as “I am” or “I have.” Your subconscious mind is such an obedient servant that if you declare in the future tense, “I want,” or “I will have,” than that is where that idea will always stay – just out of your reach in the future!”
There are any number of ways that we can do affirmations work. In How to Write Your Own Affirmations we discussed a way to create your own personal positive affirmations.
In this post we will be utilizing another affirmation technique, listening to and interacting with recorded affirmations. In Affirmations for Stress Management, the focus of the exercise is to embrace positive affirmations based on reducing the stress in our lives. The affirmations center around thoughts and ideas that have been found to decrease stress in general.
What does make Affirmations for Stress Management somewhat unique, however is that it includes both secular and spiritual positive thoughts. The spiritually based affirmations are Biblical quotes. By adding spiritual affirmations, Affirmations for Stress Management adds another layer of depth, that is faith, to the affirmations experience.
Barbara Hoberman Levine, author of Your Body Believes Every Word You Say, writes:

“Faith is accepting things unseen. It is believing without initial proof. Acting on a belief is evidence of faith! Without some measure of faith most people wouldn’t take the time to meditate, chant or do affirmations and visualizations. Faith plants life-affirming seedthoughts. If you are looking for ways to improve your life, then you already have sufficient faith in a better future to do what it takes to create it.“
Barbara Hoberman Levine
Below is the audio recording of Affirmations for Stress Management. It is approximately 10 minutes in length. You are free to download the audio or change the playback speed simply by clicking on the three vertical buttons to the right of the play bar. It is suggested that you listen to this recording with headphones, for an optimal experience.
I truly welcome any and all constructive feedback that you may have. There is a comments section below for your use.
May Affirmations for Stress Management be a positive addition to your day!
This blog post contains links to additional resources, highlighted in blue.
Brenda B Allen
Good morning Jeanene,I needed to hear this so badly this morning!!! God always seems to send us people when we need them the most. I will go back and listen to this often. Thanks so much. Love you!!!
Dear Brenda, I’m so happy that the affirmations recording was helpful to you today! I am glad that God connected our paths. God is always good! Love you too!!