O Christmas Paws, O Christmas Paws (a doggie Christmas story)

O Christmas Paws, O Christmas Paws
(a doggie Christmas story)
The Heart’s Way, Imagery and Insights
Just a little doggie Christmas story, to “take
A DOG LOVERpausepaws,” relax, and reflect.
Ahh…the beautiful sound of Christmas carolers! Can you hear them singing? O Christmas Paws, O Christmas Paws…hmm, what??? Isn’t that supposed to be a song about Christmas trees? Yep, probably so. But, let’s not forget our four-legged furry friends we love and adore this holiday season!
They may be called Chip or Ernie, Fred or Barney, Laverne or Shirley (my…I believe I’m dating myself if you remember these names from TV-land way back when!). Whatever their names, they are our beloved dogs (dog, which by the way spelled backwards is God)…our best friends.
Dogs have the incredible ability to show us unconditional love. Human being often fall short of that! They are loyal and lovable. They serve and protect. They can calm our anxiety, help heal us from trauma, and guide us through unseen territory.
They make us laugh (and sometimes cry). They can keep us active and alert. They can soothe our grief, lesson our pain, and lower our blood pressure.
So, friends, let’s not forget these wonderful creatures this holiday season. Play with them (perhaps in the snow…they’d love that!). Then keep them warm. Snuggle up with them. Feed them well. And most of all, love them…because God knows…they love you!
Happy Holidays to you, your families, and your pets!
(This post has been updated from a previous post, written in 2015).